I adapted a scene from Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice to a modern setting for a modern audience. I hope you enjoy watching Shakespeare Remixed: The Singles Mixer as much as Errich, Martina and I enjoyed making it. This is the first episode of a web series featuring randomly selected and abridged scenes from Shakespeare's works.
I performed in a web series, Minutesworth, with the fabulous Wray Crawford playing my husband. Click here to see a few of the episodes of Minutesworth that I was in.
Click to watch the multiple-award-winning 2013 stage production, Sing Muse, in its entirety. Contains beautiful songs, inspiration, love, and profanity and adult themes. :)
**My major scene & solo comes just after the 1-hour mark.**
*****CLASS WORK*****
These videos are scene work done in Film Acting classes. This is NOT demo quality, but I had a lot of fun doing this stuff, so ENJOY!
For more sensitive viewers, be aware that some of these scenes contain profanity or adult themes. I've tried to label the content in the description.
Scene from BBC series "Coupling" in CK McFarland's Advanced Film Acting class.
Nikki Zook and Martina Ohlhauser performing.
These SINGLE women both received invitations to their friends' Noakes and Ellen's wedding, and get together at Sally's salon to commiserate.
Contains suggestive dialogue and alcohol consumption.
Scene from the film "Georgia." -CK McFarland's Advanced Film Acting class.
Nikki Zook and Laura Ray performing.
-David Hickey, award-winning director of "Bagdad, Texas", working the camera.
Sadie just came out of Georgia's bathroom after shooting up with heroin. Contains profanity.
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